This is a fact about Lake Toba:
2. In the middle of Lake Toba there is a volcanic island
called Samosir Island is located at an altitude of about 1,000 meters above sea
level. And in the middle of the island of Samosir is still there more two
beautiful lakes named Lake Sidihoni and Lake Aek Natonang.
3 It is estimated that Lake Toba occur when a super volcano
eruption (Mount Toba) around 73000-75000 ago. Approximately 2,800 cubic km of
volcanic material spewed out when the volcano erupted, and volcanic dust in the
wind spread to half the earth. The explosion occurred during 1 week and throw
the dust up to 10 kilometers above sea level.
4 According to estimates, the super volcano eruption caused
mass death and lead to the extinction of some species of living creatures
5 The eruption of Mount Toba influence world civilization.
It is estimated, this titanic eruption leads to changes in the earth's weather
and the onset of ice ages
6 Lake Toba get special attention from researchers the world
stage, such as Bill Rose and Craig Chesner from Michigan Technological University
7. This volcanic lake is the second largest lake in the
world after Lake Victoria in Africa Sandra
8 Administratively, Lake Toba stretching across seven
districts, namely North Tapanuli, Toba Samosir, Samosir, Humbang Hasundutan,
Dairi, Karo, and Simalungun
9 The area around Lake Toba has pine forests are arranged
10 In Tomok (Samosir Island) there is the tomb of King
Sidabutar, whose age is 500 years. There is also a statue Sigale-Gale (statue
can dance)
11 On the outskirts of Lake Toba, there are several
waterfalls are extremely fascinating
12 Lake Toba had a legend that lived thousands of years ago
and it took a blessing for people who live around Lake Toba with a variety of
daily activities
13 Lake Toba is a breeding ground for fish Batak (Neolissochilus
thienemanni) which has a high historical and cultural value
15 In the 1990s, precisely before 1997, Lake Toba become a
favorite destination of foreign tourists, mainly from the Netherlands,
Malaysia, Singapore, Germany, Japan, Korea, even some that came from America.
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