Wednesday, August 26, 2015

5 The Uniqueness of Kelok 9 Bridge in Payakumbuh

Kelok 9 is a winding road that connects the province of West Sumatra and Riau, precisely located in Payakumbuh Limapuluh Koto. First Kelok 9 is one street that is quite scary for motorists because it forms a steep road and directly adjacent to the ravine.

But now, people deliberately preferring to pass through Kelok 9 to enjoy the beauty and splendor of the architecture of this causeway. So, what are the particularities and privileges of meandering 9 this? Here is a privilege in Kelok 9:


This is a fact about Lake Toba:
1. Lake Toba is the largest lake in Indonesia, even Southeast Asia. A volcanic lake with a length of 100 kilometers and 30 kilometers wide along the furthest depths of approximately 400 meters located in the province of North Sumatra, Indonesia

2. In the middle of Lake Toba there is a volcanic island called Samosir Island is located at an altitude of about 1,000 meters above sea level. And in the middle of the island of Samosir is still there more two beautiful lakes named Lake Sidihoni and Lake Aek Natonang.

Sunday, August 23, 2015

11 Principles It Just Possessed by The Batak people!

Batak culture is the most different from other cultures that exist in Indonesia and even the world. Ranging from customs, kinship, language, arts, beliefs, and not least also the principle of the Batak itself.

Talk about principle, the principle of the Batak people are very different from most other ethnic principle. Many people know someone as Batak not only of style of speech, but the principle of his life. Want to know what the principles of the hobo?

1. Anakkonhido Hamoraon Diau (My son is my property).

Having a child is an invaluable wealth to the tribe of Batak. The child would be worth more if the child is male, especially if it is the eldest son, is like a great blessing for the family of the tribe of Batak. The boy will be the heir to the clan of elderly men.

For Batak families who do not have a boy, for example, if a child 1 to 5 are still women, parents will still try crave a boy so that his descendants even became 7 and even 9 people.

Friday, August 21, 2015

Indonesia was Beautiful Starting From its Western

Aceh Tsunami Museum

Indonesia has been fascinating from the western tip of Aceh province. Distance is not a problem, because the place known as the Verandah of Mecca is the perfect choice for your next vacation.

Tsunami wave in 2004 had indeed been crushed almost half of the province. But it does not diminish the charm that can be offered Aceh.

Aceh has a long historical trail, the wealth of Islamic culture and the blessing of the Lord of sea and mountain. Aceh emerged as a tourist gem in the west end of Indonesia.

10 Most Beautiful Places in Aceh

Aceh, which had previously been called by the name of Aceh (1959-2001) and NAD (2001-2009) is the most western province in Indonesia. Aceh has autonomy are regulated separately, in contrast to most other provinces in Indonesia, for reasons sejarah.Daerah is bordered by the Bay of Bengal in the north, the Indian Ocean to the west, the Strait of Malacca in the east, and North Sumatra in southeast and south. Aceh is very much in tourist areas that you should visit when you come to Aceh. This well is the 10 order of the most beautiful sights in Aceh.